Getting Started with Server Metrics

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Getting Started with Server Metrics

Keeping on top of the performance metrics for your servers and network is important for the maintenance and operation of your IT infrastructure. You want your organisation’s users to have little or no downtime in using their applications and retrieving their e-mail, and for your company’s customers to easily access their applications and data.

Our Server Metrics allow you to capture values pertaining to your system at specific points in time.

VpsCity now enables you to monitor and track important server resource usage information (CPU, Memory, Network, Disk, Load, I/O, Uptime, Sessions and Users) as well as collect data over time to easily gauge where your servers’ resources are being used and where you might need to consider increasing.

By simply logging into our client portal, selecting your server from the products and services list on the dashboard and progressing to the server metrics option, you can effortlessly monitor the performance metrics of your server at the click of a button. This is not only important for monitoring purposes, you are also able to set notifications and actions based on metrics. This is really useful to keep you informed of how your server is performing, more importantly if it is being attacked or under load.

  • Correlate server metrics (CPU, Memory, Network, Disk, Load, I/O, Uptime, Sessions and Users) to gain deep insights to your system health and performance.

  • Build real-time alerting and notifications for specified performance thresholds. Receive automated alerts for potential problems, and promptly investigate and solve performance issues. Alerts can be sanctioned in time intervals, the number of alerts sent can also be indicated.

  • Create action rules and the specific actions to take when certain conditions are met. There are three action rules which can be applied, Reboot, Recover and or Shutdown. These action rules can be applied at certain time intervals once specified conditions are met.

  • Identify irregularities and perform health checks on your server resource usage.

By looking at your servers’ metrics in the context of your application performance metrics, usage trends, and application load, you can better understand how end users are experiencing applications and the impact a peak in CPU may have on other performance metrics. Exposure to your servers’ metrics are the backbone of what makes quality, functional monitoring by helping to transform raw data into useful and actionable data points.

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